Making your app a commercial & consumer success

Carefully identifying key issues, implementing targeted solutions, and establishing an efficient operating framework for your mobile product will ensure your app's success.

Common problems

Companies with long-standing mobile apps often feel like they're not getting enough return on investment. These are the three most common problems we encounter:

Users are unhappy
Users are unhappy

When users are unhappy with your app, it's difficult to keep them engaged, which in turn means that it's challenging to keep your app profitable.

Targets not met
Commercial targets are not met

Users are happy but the commercial targets are not met because of unclear KPIs, low conversion rates, missing call to actions, etc.

Maintenance eats budget
Maintenance eats your budget

When maintaining your existing app eats away all of your budget, there are no resources to develop anything new that would benefit the business.

Our solution

We've mastered the art of effectively spotting and fixing problems in apps in our 15+ years of working with hundreds of mobile products. Our finetuned approach to making an app business successful consists of three phases: the roadmap, the optimization, and the partnership. 

App sucess roadmap
App success roadmap

Understand the current status of your mobile app from a business, technology, and user experience point of view. We'll document and analyze these findings for you and build a roadmap to success.

App optimization sprint
App optimization sprint

Address the most important issues and get quick results in a time-boxed design and development sprint. This phase is based on the previously done roadmap.

App sucess roadmap
Mobile partnership

Based on the previous findings and results, we'll build an extremely productive development model for you, including an optimal team and ways of working.

Success stories on our approach

sports tracker-3
Suunto Sports Tracker app: Building a subscription-based business model

Users of the Suunto app can now monitor and plan their training and recovery better than ever.

How K-Ruoka app doubled its average rating

The K-Ruoka team took a number of measures, which together resulted in a remarkable improvement in App Store ratings.

How to estimate a budget for your mobile app?

Qvik’s state-of-the-art calculation tool can help you choose the right mobile technology for your mobile application.

Our solution in more detail

App sucess roadmap

App success roadmap

To address the right things going forward, an app review is where it all begins. The findings are what all the following actions will be based on. The review is holistic, addressing business, user experience, and technology perspectives, all at once.

During the review, we'll take a look at your: 

  • Business goals
    We'll inspect your revenue model, business and customer metrics, and how well they are currently met

  • App concept gap
    We'll carefully evaluate how your current solution matches your business goals. We'll take a look at your current user experience and recognize the main challenges

  • Technical feasibility
    We'll review the amount of technical debt, third-party libraries, integrations, code quality, and technology choices now and for the future (including native, cross-platform, and hybrid solutions)

We will analyze all the findings from the review in an actionable roadmap for you. This will include:

  • Metrics
    How the success of the app should be measured

  • Improvement suggestions
    Easy fixes for your user experience and technology, future development suggestions

  • Financial forecast
    Expected revenue impact, estimated costs, ROI
App optimization sprint

App optimization sprint

The optimization sprint is all about getting as close as possible to meeting customer expectations. If your app doesn’t provide the value it promises, your customers will feel fooled.

Based on the roadmap, we will address quick wins and the first findings in the sprint to improve selected KPIs. This could mean, for example, improving your app rating average or the number of monthly active users. The sprint is designed to deliver measurable results rapidly in a short time-boxed design and development cycle. We will put our skin in the game and work on success fee basis.

Example actions:

  • Address critical user feedback by resolving major issues with your user experience

  • Improve the product by fixing major technical issues

  • Design and implement rating prompts around happy moments to achieve better ratings

  • Update outdated technologies or integrations

  • App Store Optimization (ASO) measures
App sucess roadmap

Mobile partnership

In the end, we'd love to become your trusted partner. We know that partnership is a big word, but we believe that describing ourselves as your partner best reflects our joint, long-term goals. As a partner, we promise to ensure your mobile app’s success.

The key components of achieving success are:

  • Product ownership and us supporting your Product Owner in achieving the goals of their demanding role

  • Choosing key figures that reflect a successful product in your case. We'll choose two to five metrics to be constantly monitored and optimized during your project with direct or indirect KPIs.

  • Agile development model including clear ways of working and a crystallized project roadmap

  • Seamless collaboration and communication with your internal personnel and third-party vendors

  • Joint efforts in improving the development culture and ways of working through commonly agreed practices

Our collaboration is built on these foundations, which we have found to be key to success. However, we fully acknowledge that each team has its own unique needs and challenges. Therefore, we are committed to tailoring our approach to best suit your specific circumstances, ensuring a truly collaborative and effective partnership. 

While we want to create the best possible framework for success, we understand that sometimes what you need is simply the technical skills to perform outstanding work. This is naturally a part of the partnership.

Got you interested?
Let’s talk!